Red Tape

Red Tape
A surge of nerves when witnessing your fate
Is in the hands of some who care much less,
Hands and feet are bound by the red tape
Which feeds a ravenous bureaucracy,
Waiting rooms, the decor worried faces,
Fingers fidgeting with files in hand,
A stony faced official leads proceedings,
Ushered through the door, the judgement hall,
Behind the desks, the barons rule their realms,
Power isn’t balanced in this room,
Jump through our hoops, be sure to tick the boxes,
You’ll need 336b not 36a,
Judged by anonymous; those faceless minds,
A bad night’s sleep, a spousal fight,
Misplaced power, a sense of right
To cancel, nullify and void desire,
Casting hopes and dreams into the fire,
The rubber stamping genies hold the power,
Poison at its roots or let it flower.
By Tom Edwards